"As somewhat of a continuation of my last blog topic I am once again returning to measurement of an LDO parameter as I look at the power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) of this device. As I have been transitioning into this new role I have found that products going into space require much more stringent specifications and review than typical commercial products. Hence, I have found myself evaluating in depth what I always considered a pretty simple device, an LDO. As it turns out I have found out that I was quite the novice with this type of device, hence the title of this blog and my last blog Measuring LDO Noise Spectral Density for a Novice. There are many additional things to think about when working with space products that aren’t necessary to consider for commercial products. I mentioned last time that one of these things is the harsh radiation environments that are present in space.
For a little more insight into that topic you can check out two-part blog series from one of my colleagues at Jupiter: The IC Danger Zone, Part 1 as well as Jupiter: The IC Danger Zone, Part 2. Another example is more stringent and specific test requirements which I am providing some insight into in these latest blogs. I am showing the procedures to test these parameters as I have been looking at these parameters over temperature and process as a part of the evaluation for their space worthiness. Recall that I mentioned in the last blog that systems designed to go into space must be essentially failure proof. It just is not feasible to fly up to a satellite in orbit and replace a defective or damaged component. This translates back to the system components which must be tolerant of radiation in space, operate over temperature extremes, and are generally in hermetically sealed packages to name just a few requirements..."
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