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New Fast Edge TDR in a Portable Package Supports PCB Coupon Testing and Instrument Calibration


June 6, 2018 Phoenix, AZ:, a leader in high resolution test and measurement equipment, has released a new, low cost, pocket-sized, fast edge signal generator and TDR in one convenient package. “Such a high speed, precise TDR/TDT has never before been available in this portable form, requiring only a USB power source, and at this price point,” according to Steve Sandler, Picotest CEO.

The PerfectPulse signal generator provides an ultra-fast, square, 32ps edge pulse. The -500mV, 50 Ohm output signal (trimmed for accuracy) is very square, without overshoot or undershoot, making it perfect for verifying instrument and probe rise/fall times, as well as verifying signal path rise/fall time and undershoot/overshoot. The inclusion of a 10GHz power splitter allows the signal generator to be used as a high performance reflectometer (TDR) for measuring PCB coupons, cable and PCB trace impedance, verifying cable crimps, measuring trace and cable lengths, dielectric constant, and many other applications.

Single button operation allows selection of different operating frequencies with 1kHz, 10kHz, 100kHz, 1MHz, and 10MHz square wave settings, as well as, ground and DC output. A 3.5mm connector is used for added performance and reliability. PerfectPulse is compatible with all 50 Ohm probes, including the Picotest P2100A 1-Port probe, for convenient signal injection.

The introductory price of the J2151A PerfectPulse Fast Edge Signal Generator is $3500 and is available starting July 1 st , 2018, from

For more information please see and the Picotest PCB/TDR Solutions page:

Selected Specifications: •  Typical rise/fall time: 32ps •  Flatness 3dB at 10.5GHz 0.1dB (typ) at 2GHz •  Output Voltage 0 – 500mV, Trimmed to 1%+2.5mV •  Output Impedance 50 Ohms, Trimmed to 1% •  Output Connector 3.5mm •  Power: USB input, 100mA typical current draw


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