Did you know Picotest has published a variety of training aids for engineers looking to learn power supply and power integrity testing methods?
This includes test boards, parts kits, online video courses, and a Test Training Exercise Booklet.

The Picotest Power Supply/PI exercise training booklet is an adjunct to the class we offer: https://www.picotestonline.com/courses
It is available in electronic PDF format at no charge: https://www.picotest.com/downloads/Picotest_PS_PI_Lab_Exercises_3-23-2023.pdf
It is utilized with the following products:
VRTS3 - PI Test Demo Board
VRTS1P5 - Training Demo Board
LM20143B - Two (2) Boards; One with varying impedance and one with ‘flat’ impedance
PITK01 Parts Kit for Power Integrity Training
DTBK01 Decoupling Test Board Kit
The Bode 100 VNA or the Keysight E5061B ENA and various Picotest Probes and Injectors
The Booklet steps you through all the key tests; teaching you how to make power supply and power integrity measurements including the popular Bode plot, PSRR, 2-port impedance, and TDR PCB impedance.
Setup files are also available:
OMICRON Lab Bode 100 setup files
Tektronix MSO6 setup files
The Table of Contents is shown below:
